South Dakota Nonprofit Network
12:45 PM - 1:30 PM

Keynote Address
Location: Room 186  |  Terry Liggins

Terry Liggins
Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Hurdle Life Coach Foundation and TLC Services

Speaker Bio: Terry Liggins has been a practitioner of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice (DEIJ) principles and a developer of DEIJ programs since 2005. Terry is a graduate of the University of South Dakota (USD) where he completed his Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice and minored in Leadership Studies. He also completed his Master of Arts in Public Administration with an emphasis in Non-Profit Organizations. While in college as a student-athlete, the lure of leadership and its potential in having a positive impact and shaping environments fascinated Terry. Inspired by this intrigue coupled with his ambitious nature, outgoing personality, ability to connect with others and love for people he presided over five different student groups at USD. Terry is recognized for partnering with startup nonprofits, corporations, charitable groups and advocacy efforts that help to advance a healing-informed society that is inclusive and equitable in all of its practices. Specializing in recruitment and retention strategies through a whole-person focus, he helps teams develop a trauma-informed culture that is safe for all people. Passionate about workforce development, entrepreneurship, mentorship in the margins and effective communication as a full-time consultant and coach, Terry is proud to be the Founder and Chief Executive Officer at Hurdle Life Coach Foundation and TLC Services.

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