South Dakota Nonprofit Network
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Common Financial Management Challenges for Nonprofit Boards
Location: Room 153  |  Katie Crawford and Laurie Hanson

Session Overview: This session will provide nonprofit board members with essential skills in financial management, focusing on maintaining financial integrity, effective budgeting and planning, and thorough financial statement review. Additionally, participants will learn how to review and understand Form 990 to ensure compliance and transparency.

Katie Crawford
Katie Crawford, Senior Audit Manager, Eide Bailly

Speaker Bio: Katie joined Eide Bailly in 2011 and provides audit and accounting services to numerous industries including non-profit organizations, governments and healthcare organizations. When you work with Katie, you can expect open communication and the willingness to take the time to listen to your situation, understand your business, answer questions, and develop a plan that meets your expectations and your needs. Outside of work, Katie enjoys spending time with family, including her husband and two young children, running, spending time outdoors, cooking and volunteering in the community. Katie primarily works with non-profits, healthcare organizations and governments providing assurance services including audits, reviews and compilations. She provides accounting services in accordance with Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (Uniform Guidance) for non-profit and governmental clients to help them ensure compliance with Federal program requirements. Katie provides clients with a wide range of industry experience and accounting standard knowledge to coach clients through new or recently issued standards impacting their organization.

Laurie Hanson
Senior Tax Manager, Eide Bailly

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