1:45 PM - 2:45 PM
Getting Your Board on Board
Location: Room 153 | Dr. Alisha Vincent
Session Overview: Are your board members fully engaged? Do they clearly understand their responsibilities and expectations? Dr. Vincent will explore common challenges in board leadership and management, offering insights and tools to enhance board engagement. You’ll also have the opportunity to share your experiences and discuss effective strategies for board training and development.
Dr. Alisha Vincent
Professor, Business and Nonprofit Administration, Dakota Wesleyan University
Speaker Bio: Dr. Alisha Vincent has been an entrepreneur and intrapreneur for the last two decades and has applied those skills to the nonprofit, education, and tech sectors. She is one of the regions only full professors of nonprofit administration and currently serves as a faculty member at Dakota Wesleyan and consultant for several organizations, specializing in strategy, governance, and organizational development. She’s proudly founded and served several nonprofit organizations throughout the midwest and internationally. She is passionate about helping organizations turn challenges into opportunities and loves engaging others to use their entrepreneurial muscle.